How can I recapture 1200MB into a linode image

I have a Linode and several images that I was working with when I first signed up with Linode. Now I want to recapture 1200MB of space that was reserved for some of my test images and use it on my production image. How can I do that?



6 Replies

Shutdown your linode

Delete the images that you do not want

Resize the image that you want, to use the spare space.

This can all be done through the LPM via the 'Disk Images' tab.


I recommend that you create an image (I use 250MB, which is more than enough, 80MB is the bare minimum but you need space to install a few tools) with the Debian small distro on it. Create a profile that boots from this small image and also includes your production partition. Then you have the chance to boot this profile and do repairs and alterations to your production partition without the filesystem being mounted. You might need this now, and you will almost certainly need it sometime in the future.

To max out your production partition: * Back up your production image (I rsync mine to my home machine).

  • Log in to your Linode platform manager.

  • Shut down your Linode.

  • Go to the disk images tab.

  • Click on each of the unwanted images and select 'delete image'.

  • Click on your production image, enter a new size (the range of possible values is shown) and click 'save changes'. If your production image uses ext2 or ext3, both the image and the filesystem will be resized. If it uses another file system only the image will be resized. If this is the case, boot your Linode using the Debian maintenance profile and use the appropriate tool to resize the filesystem to fill the image. If you use reiserfs, you can just boot your Linode and resize it (bigger) on the fly.

Ah. Adam posted while I was writing my reply.

Yes, all my images are debian and I had one small one as a sandbox early on. I've be wondering how people are backing up especially areas like my cvs repository. Anyway thanks for the replies and I'll check out rsync soon.


Mark Abrams


HelpGuest Technologies, Inc.

pclissold's suggestion of thinking about some space for the Debian small image is great, however, you can always use the space occupied by your swap image to install the Debian small image in an emergency. This way you can put this space to use durning normal operation rather then having 256 MB of unusable space during normal use.


you can always use the space occupied by your swap image to install the Debian small image in an emergency
Good idea - it never occurred to me. I just checked, and Debian small plus filesystem tools for ext2/3 and reiserfs plus logical volume manager takes up 85 MB so my suggestion of allocating a quarter of a Gig was a bit over the top.


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