Cannot send mail to

One of my Linode's e-mail users needs to send e-mails to an address at The messages appear to send fine but get stuck in Postfix's queue with the message:

connect to[]: server dropped connection without sending the initial SMTP greeting

My connect gets denied when I attempt to connect to their SMTP server via telnet. I can't ping the IP, but an nmap scan on port 25 (minus the initial ping) claims port 25 is open.

Other servers are able to ping and connect to Verizon, so this has led me (and Wietse Venema of Postfix fame) to believe Verizon has blacklisted my IP. This, I'm told, shouldn't surprise me as Verizon seems to love blacklisting everyone: including anyone outside the US if I'm not mistaken.

I'm expecting a call from someone in Verizon's IT department (ha!), but I was wondering if anyone else had any ideas.

Can anyone else send e-mails to Verizon Wireless or even connect to If you can, what's my problem?!


Debian Sarge

Postfix 2.1.5-9 (TLS installed but disabled)

3 Replies


This, I'm told, shouldn't surprise me as Verizon seems to love blacklisting everyone: including anyone outside the US if I'm not mistaken.
I can mail them OK via my ISP's smtp server in Amsterdam - but not from my Linode in Fremont.

Both Hurricane Electric and The Planet have had their share of spammers and other miscreants, so I expect that Verizon's over zealous blocking policy has screwed us all.

Glad it's not just me. :-)

If somebody can post the entire IP range for the Linode, I'll try and convince the VerizonWireless IT tech to unblock them all. I have a non-technical contact inside who's helping me out, but I have no clue how cooperative their IT department is going to be.

Linode Staff


If somebody can post the entire IP range for the Linode, I'll try and convince the VerizonWireless IT tech to unblock them all.
Great. If you nslookup "" through gateway7, those are the HE ranges.



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