How can I add a boot parameter to a linode?

I run a linode with a Slackware 14.2 image and the latest 64 bit linode kernel (4.18.16-x86_64-linode118)

I would like to define a profile with the same disks, running the same linode kernel, just with different parameters on the boot command line

With the current profile, /proc/cmdline contains:

root=/dev/sda console=tty1 console=ttyS0 ro devtmpfs.mount=1

I would like a second configuration profile with an additional boot parameter, for example

root=/dev/sda console=tty1 console=ttyS0 ro xyzzy devtmpfs.mount=1

How can I do that?

4 Replies


How can I do that?

Short answer: you can't.

You'll need to switch to either GRUB or Direct Disk in your Configuration Profile, and boot a kernel on your filesystem (from your distribution or your own custom kernel). You'll be in control of grub at that point and can specify your own kernel command line arguments.

Hope that helps!

The "Linode kernel" is not installed on your filesystem–instead, the Linode Manager supplies them at boot time to your system. This makes adding custom boot parameters impossible by editing your file-system. I've passed on this request to our development team to add an option for this to the Manager.

If you need additional boot parameters in the meantime, you’ll need to re-configure your Linode to use your own installed kernel. I was able to do this on my test Linode by switching to the Grub 2 kernel, and updating the following line in the grub config:


Ok :-( but thanks for the prompt answer :-)

Can I download somewhere the nice linode kernel (latest - 4.18.16-x86_64-linode118)? - I could use it with grub or direct disk and not worry about modules.

This makes adding custom boot parameters impossible by editing your file-system. I've passed on this request to our development team to add an option for this to the Manager.

I understand that. Additional parameters on the cmdline would be a nice addition to the Manager.

We already have the option to "init=/bin/bash" -- just adding the option to change "/bin/bash" to something else would be a great help
(one could use an init script that sets some parameter somewhere and then exec /sbin/init…)



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