My emails are being sent to Spam.

Linode Staff

We are using Gsuite to push mails to registrants through Drupal. Unfortunately, mails sent are going to spam. Discussions with GSuite revealed that a SPF record should be added at DNS records level with redirection to Google servers to get rid of this problem.

3 Replies

Hey there,

Setting up SPF records is fairly simple to do from the Linode Manager.

First, navigate to the DNS manager from within the Linode Manager. Once there,
you will need to add a blank TXT record. Name this record SPF. In the value
field enter the following in accordance with [1]:

v=spf1 ~all

For TTL, you can just leave this as "Default".

These changes may take up to 48 hours to take effect. You can verify when these
changes take effect at the following link:

I hope this helps, I am also including some links to our guides on DNS records[2],
as well as running a mail server[3].

Trust & Safety Team


Thanks Mginnetti

That was spot on!

Thanks, @mginnetti for the guidance and sharing the link with us. hope it helps


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