Google Releases Web Analytics

Trying to get it setup now. Looks like they are Urchin stats…

Site must be getting pounded…very slow…

6 Replies

Did you get this working? It looks promising, got any experiences to share?

I just keep getting "Analytics has been successfully installed and data is being gathered now. Your first reports will be ready within twelve hours.", yet it's been about 3 days now. Viewing the report shows no data.


I just keep getting "Analytics has been successfully installed and data is being gathered now. Your first reports will be ready within twelve hours.", yet it's been about 3 days now. Viewing the report shows no data.

Yeah, I am still seeing that. Click on "View Reports", there is stuff in there. Not sure why it says that still, but it appears the reports are providing data.

Check yours and let me know.



Looks like Google pulled the trigger a bit early on their analytics service…they've shut down new account registrations, and (at least for my domain) there have been no new stats logged since Friday night.


Mine did finally start processing the data a couple days later, by the way. It seems to be a pretty useful thing, telling me what percentage of users are new, what the most used browser/OS is, the most-used version of Flash, whether they have Java, etc etc. All pretty useful stuff, along with things I'll probably never ever need.

Looks like they're blocking new signups while they shift computers in their cluster. Oh, well…


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