Where can I find my server URL?

Linode Staff

I don't have a domain yet. Where is my server URL located in Manager?

1 Reply

Hello There!

Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome! I'm more than happy to give a you a few ways to find your Linode's URL.

You can access your Linode through the web browser, as is, by inputing your IP address or your rDNS into the browser.

You can fund your Linode's IP address by following the below steps.

  1. Log into Manager
  2. Select Linodes
  3. The IP address is listed next to the Linode

You can find your rDNS by following these steps


  1. Log into Manager
  2. Select Linodes
  3. Select the Linode you'd like to see
  4. Click the Remote Access tab
  5. It's in the Public IPs section


  1. Log into Manager
  2. Select Linodes
  3. Select the Linode you'd like to see
  4. Click the Networking tab
  5. It's in the IPv4 section

You can also register a domain name for easier web accessibility, like example.com. This guide will give you an overview of how to setup domain zones using our DNS Manager.

Reverse DNS lookup resolves an IP address to a designated domain name. You can change your rDNS as well using this link as a guide.

I always suggest walking through our Getting Started guide. This way, you can make sure you've covered all your bases while setting up your Linode, and you know gather a basic understanding of how things work.

Have a lovely day!


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