Unexpected EOF from SFTP server

Hey everyone. I am trying to login to my linode filesystem and am receiving an error when attempting to connect via FileZilla. does anyone know why this would be happening?

1 Reply

Greetings @tmoore,

"Unexpected End of File" can mean that your SSHD config is not set up properly to work with SFTP.

Can you paste your sshd_config file here?

Make sure to @pambrosky so I can pinged on your response.You may be able to resolve this by logging into SSH and editing the sshd_config file:

$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Can you paste your sshd_config file here? Make sure to @pambrosky so I can pinged on your response.

You can find a list of other common FTP errors here - if you run into any more trouble.



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