Account Under Review?

Why is my account under review? I have not gotten any emails from linode its not even in spam folder

3 Replies

Linode Staff

Hey there,

If your account is still undergoing review, we've likely sent you further instructions to finishing activating your account. Be sure to check your email for messages from Linode to complete your activation.

If you haven't received further instructions, or need any additional assistance, feel free to reach out to our Support Team at and we'll be happy to help!

I have made linode account about 3 times. Every time it shows me under review and a cancellation email get received. I want to use linode services as I heard from many friends that linode services are more better than other services. So kindly help me.

@mohini67 I'd recommend sending an email to, including the last 6 digits of the credit card used at signup. Support will review it again for you, though I can't promise a different outcome.


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