pro-rate refund

If I cancel now, would I get a pro-rated refund? I have paid up through June. Just can't handle the io limitations any longer. Want to make sure I can get something back before I find a new host.

4 Replies

Is there any word on pro-rated refunds?

I know with annual payment, there is no refund (people have been known to personally sell their Linode with the remainder of the year prepaid outside of Linode), so I would expect no different on monthly payments unless your still within your 7 day signup period, but you probably want to wait on Linode staff for an answer.

That is unfortunate. I don't mind paying upfront, nor do I expect to cancel, but potentially risking 11 months payment is rather stomach-turning.


Just can't handle the io limitations any longer.

The io limitations? What are you trying to run on what size linode? I only have a Linode 120 and have found with the right config can run quite a few things. I can't wait for the Xen rollout and unfortunately I am not on the hosts that can take part in the beta test, but my Linode will surely suffice until then. :)


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