The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

Hi all, we recently bought a wordpress theme and installed it in our server, when installation finished we got below error

The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

when we disable all plugins site up and running alone with the base theme. i have contact the theme developer he says your server didnot support some plugins like this they said, kindly suggest me how can i solve this problem

1 Reply

Linode Staff

Hey @joomlabuff - That error message is a catch-all message that gets displayed when Wordpress detects that a specific plugin isn't compatible with something. Sometimes this can be fixed by reconfiguring your server, but it's tough to say how to do so without having access to your internals.

When third-party developers construct a Wordpress theme, they're often using plugins that are configured to work based on software updates and operating system builds current at the time of construction. That said, plugins can get outdated and may need to be updated individually or swapped out for another.

This is from

"As WordPress improves between versions, there will be changes to the core programming which may cause some WordPress Plugins to fail."

Here's a Wordpress forum post where a user was running into a similar situation; they ended up finding a particular plugin that was no longer compatible:

The site is experiencing technical difficulties. Please check your site admin em

If you need help isolating the culprit, I'd check out this plugin compatibility checker from Themeisle:

WordPress Plugin Check: How to Check Plugins for Compatibility Issues

Hopefully you were able to get things working in the meantime. If so, and if you're able to share what you did to fix the compatibility issue, please share it in case anyone else is running into the same thing. :)


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