Good source of setting up mass emailing? Anyone know any better?

Just wondering for mass mailing what I have been doing is using the SASL and the sasl_passwd + sasl_passwd.db path seeming when you make multiple entries in this it uses one after another… what I have been using seemingly the maintain SMTP services with is great you will need my account code to sign up which is PDR4764 - but for around 50 AUD a year you can have upto 50 email account smtp accounts for the sasl_passwd file, which like setting up to use postfix with the certificate mask is the same for SSL…

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There are a couple things to be aware of when marketing via email. The first is to be compliant with CAN-SPAM. You need to ensure any email method you choose involves the necessary components for it to be considered marketing rather than unwanted contact.

The second is whether you manage your list yourself or utilize a plugin or third-party service. There are a wide variety of third-party services that can be used to send email blasts to people on your marketing list. SASL via Postfix would be more of a "do-it-yourself" way. If you'd like to stick with your current method, you may find this guide to be helpful regarding configurations.


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