WordPress Migration: Getting 404 Errors: Only Home Page works

I just migrated my ecommerce website (www.dubaigamers.com) from shared hosting to Linode. Now only the home page is working but the other pages are not getting served. I am getting the following error on all other pages like say, https://www.dubaigamers.com/privacy-policy

2 Replies

I see that you have solved the problem, but not bothered to notify anyone here?

For anyone else having similar problems, it is usually caused by a problem with your permalink settings in Wordpress. Try logging in to your dashboard and going to Settings >>> Permalinks. Then don't change anything, just click the 'Save' button and see if that fixes the problem.

If not, you may need to install the 'Redirection' plugin to make sure that all settings have been migrated over from the old site.



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