Volume stuck in loading state in dashboard?

I have a volume that looks like this that I recently detached from a linode. I want to delete it but every time I reload the page it changes to that image before I can click the menu button to delete it. How do I put the volume in a state where it can be deleted?

1 Reply

Hey there,

Were you able to get a confirmation notification in the top right hand of your Cloud Manager screen indicating that the volume was successfully detached? This status bar seems to be indicating that it's in the middle of a process and cannot be interacted with until it completes.

A warning is provided if you attempt to detach the volume while the Linode is still running from the Cloud Manager. Did you encounter any errors? Is the Linode you detached it from having any issues? Were you detaching the volume using another method?

If you can provide us with some more details about the process you took and what you observed, we'll try and provide some insight as to what the issue was.

We hope that helps.

Tara T
Linode Support Team


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