Android app

I formatted my phone and can no longer see the app on Google Play Store. Is it unpublished? The app was so convenient!

3 Replies

@TheAnteomnio -

Yes, our mobile app has been deprecated and is no longer available for download. In its place we've designed the new Cloud Manager to be easy to use on your mobile device at This should provide you with a solid mobile experience :)

If you have any feedback to share regarding this, please send it over to so we can review it. Thanks!

Why would you depreciate the app? Even Namecheap has an app.


You write:

Why would you depreciate [sic] the app?

Believe it or not, Linode is a business. They’re in business to make money. Developing & supporting little-used used software that doesn’t move their business forward was a cost they were unwilling to bear any further.

Even Namecheap has an app.

This is completely irrelevant. Maybe Namecheap likes flushing their money down the toilet instead of using it to serve their customers.

— sw


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