Any ruby tool to upload linode objects?

As a developer I use AWS S3 object inside Ruby on Rails applications. Having any ruby tool to upload linode objects would be a game changer.
And if it is working with carrierwave rubygems, even better.

2 Replies

Since Linode Object Storage is S3-compatible, you can use aws-sdk-ruby with your buckets. I briefly looked over the GitHub for CarrierWave and it looks like it should be compatible, so long as you're within the bounds of our Object Storage limitations.

I have seen very erratic behaviour when using the aws-sdk-s3 gem with Linode Object Storage. It certainly does not work as expected when following the AWS documentation and will be very frustrating.

I needed to set the http_continue_timeout to 0.

This is a minimal working example (version 3+ of the aws-sdk-s3 gem, eu-central region:

require 'aws-sdk-s3'
Aws.config.update({endpoint: '', region: 'default', access_key_id: 'ACCESS KEY', secret_access_key: 'SECRET KEY', http_continue_timeout: 0})
s3 =
puts s3.list_buckets.buckets
s3.create_bucket({bucket: 'my-first-bucket'})
puts s3.list_buckets.buckets

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