Disk image weirdness

I'm running debian testing and i just made 2 new 100mb partitions (for /tmp and /var/tmp) inteding to mount them noexec…

Anyway they're not showing up /proc/partitions

I reboot (twice), no joy. I have about a million /dev/ubd? devices, only the existing ubd[abc] work. I have a flash of inspiration and install udev. Reboot. Now my devices show /correctly/ i just don't have /dev/ubd[de].

Any ideas?

2 Replies

Yes, click on the Configurations sub-tab, and then click on the profile you'be been booting. Add the disk images there, next to the device nodes you want them to be connected to. Reboot, cat /proc/partitions, joy.


Thanks. All is happy.

One more question: is it a waste of time having udev installed and if so will things break if i remove it?


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