Building Blocks to a Proper Admin

I just created a minecraft server a few days ago using the 1-Click install linode provides. I overlooked a couple of settings and would like to make some changes to the current install.

  1. I would like to change the difficulty.

  2. OP myself and close friends.

I am not sure what I need to do (as I am a linux noob) for editing existing .txt and/or .json files within a server minecraft folder.

4 Replies

So I discovered "Nano". And was able to brute force the change in difficulty by manually changing the text document and restarting the server.

Still have to figure how to do ops

Any advice would be awesome!

So I discovered "Nano". And was able to brute force the change in difficulty by manually changing the text document and restarting the server.

Still have to figure how to do ops

Any advice would be awesome!

Hey, @LearningasIgo

I'm not sure if you found this resource, but these Minecraft wiki will provide you with some really helpful tips when getting started with running your own Minecraft server.

This link will give you the commands you'll need to increase the difficulty of the game. while this link will tell you how to give a user OP.

Remember to su to the mcserver.

su mcserver

The below file path is were you'll typically find the mcserver console.

/home/mcserver/mcserver console

I hope this helps!

Thanks @rdaniels! It is so much more helpful having access the console than tampering with files with a text editor (and safer in some ways…)!


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