Does Linode provide OpenVPN licenses?

Linode Staff

Does Linode provide licenses for OpenVPN or do I purchase that separately?

2 Replies

Linode provides a One-Click App for OpenVPN, which installs the software, but does not include any license. By default, OpenVPN supports up to 2 simultaneous connections, but if you wish to use more than that, then you'll need to purchase a license. Linode doesn't sell OpenVPN licenses, but you can purchase one from them directly. I found this article on their site, which provides instructions on how to purchase and activate an OpenVPN license.

OpenVPN itself is GPL-ed, so you can use it freely as you want, and it is perfectly legal.
For example, I'm using openvpn server on my linode for terminating several dozens of tunnels with complex routing between them, and it is completely free.
But if you want to not install openvpn server yourself but use some commercial openvpn provider (f.e.'s access server), you will need to purchase a license (probably, it is not correct to say "license" in this context, because it is essentially not a license but service fee).


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