Step by step to install paid ssl from sharedhost to Debian 10

Hello! Please help me on how I can install ssl certificate giving to me by my former host.
I have the files and everything they sent to me but I just dont know how to go about this and its frustrating.
I am very new to this please if you cannot provide a step by step guide for me then no need.
I have gone through so many community question and I havent seen anyone who has really considered explaining to a new commer how things work here.
No detailed way at all and it makes fresh people with empty knowleadge on hoe to get started.

See what I want.
my host sent me this files.

  1. The ca bundle ""
  2. The SSL certificate "daily4mative_com"
  3. key ""

Now can somebody explain to me where to put this files and activate my ssl?
If you need more information I am available to provide any.
Please help me now.

7 Replies

@skd4 --

You can put them wherever you like…as long as the web/mail server can read them. Generally, if you are using Debian/Ubuntu, you need to put your files in /etc/ssl.

sudo cp <sourcedir>/ /etc/ssl
sudo cp <sourcedir>/daily4mative_com /etc/ssl
sudo cp <sourcedir>/ /etc/ssl 

Generally, the three files should be owned by root and have correct permissions (although root-ownership is not necessary, world-read permissions are):

# setting ownership
sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/
sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/daily4mative_com
sudo chown root:root /etc/ssl/

# setting permissions
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/ssl/
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/ssl/daily4mative_com
sudo chmod 0644 /etc/ssl/

Lastly, you have to configure your web server to use them. I don't know which web server you're using but, for apache2, this is a three-step process:

  1. Enable SSL on the server:
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo systemctl restart apache2
  1. Configure your site to use SSL. Generally you set the following into you're web site's configuration:
<IfModule mod_ssl.c>  ### only configure site if apache2 has SSL enabled

  <VirtualHost _default_:443>

    # SSL stuff
    SSLEngine on

    SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/daily4mative_com
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/
    SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/



  1. Enable your site and restart the web server:
# enable your site
#   assumes your site config is stored in 
#     /etc/apache2/sites-available/
sudo a2ensite

# restart apache2
sudo systemctl restart apache2

However, all this is extremely system-/site-dependent so YMMV!!!! I'm not going to take any responsibility if any of the above is not true for you and/or you do damage.

Also, I don't know anything about how to do this on nginx.

-- sw

Ok. Thanks for this but I have already used LetsEncrypt and its working fine for me.
I am learning how things works here and having migrated to Linode it has really shown me there are more to learn and learn in order to be good.
So I am everly going through lots of tutorials concerning debian, Apache and lots of others.
If you think you have got a full tutorial and can be my tutor to tell me what and what to learn in other to be good then list it out below and I will take it as my study guide.

@skd4 --

You write:

Ok. Thanks for this but I have already used LetsEncrypt and its working fine for me.

LetsEncrypt certbot is a much better solution than mine anyway (FWIW, it's what I use as well).

I am learning how things works here and having migrated to Linode it has really shown me there are more to learn and learn in order to be good. So I am everly going through lots of tutorials concerning debian, Apache and lots of others. If you think you have got a full tutorial and can be my tutor to tell me what and what to learn in other to be good then list it out below and I will take it as my study guide. Thanks.

There are lots of books out there on all these subjects. I'd invest in some of those. Needless to say, you want books that have been published fairly recently so that the information in them is more or less current.

-- sw

Thanks… I am suffering database connection error right now. Everthing was working fine until I wanted to publish a post.

Error establishing a database connection
This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can’t contact the database server at localhost. This could mean your host’s database server is down.

Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?
Are you sure the database server is running?
If you’re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums.
Any help?

@skd4 --

You write:

Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?
Are you sure the database server is running?

I can't help you here… I don't know anything about MySQL…and I prefer to keep it that way.

-- sw

Thanks but I resolved it already.

For now linode is working for me.


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