liniode on host56 didn't restart

Looks like there was a host restart and my linode didn't boot back up. I got this:

> JobID: 254620 - Host initiated restart

Job Entered 01/01/1974 12:00:00 AM Status Failed

Host Start Date 05/23/2006 11:08:23 PM Host Finish Date 05/23/2006 11:08:23 PM

Host Duration 0 minutes, 0 seconds Host Message Linode already running

I clicked the boot button and it came up fine.

5 Replies

Happened to me also.

I rebooted it and it seems to be OK now.

– jp

ssh seems to be back on host56.

I had to reboot also, and now I can't ssh in – I get the following message when I ssh to the ip address:

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Is this a problem outside or inside my Xenode? I can lish in, and I've rebooted again, and sshd seems to be running fine. Anyone else run into this?


ps Oh, I see thoth39's message, just posted, about ssh being back, but I still get the aforementioned error.

My Xenode restarted OK and ssh to both it and the host is working normally.

The ssh issue wasn't due to Xen. My connection was denied because, my new ISP, puts it's customers on subdomains (I'm at, but doesn't have A or C records for these subdomains, so ssh's reverse mapping fails.

I commented out ALL: PARANOID in /etc/hosts.deny and now I'm able to ssh in.


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