Dapper upgrade breaks aptitude

I upgraded my Breezy Linode to Dapper and it broke aptitude. I then decided to start from scratch to make sure I hadn't messed up somehow. This is exactly what I did, starting from a fresh "Ubuntu 5.10 Disk Image":

aptitude update

aptitude upgrade

Changed /etc/apt/sources.list to:

deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates main restricted universe multiverse

aptitude update

aptitude dist-upgrade

Now that it's Dapper, whenever I use aptitude I get a segmentation fault:

# aptitude update
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Building tag database... Done
Segmentation fault

Has anyone else upgraded their Ubuntu distribution to Dapper successfully? I really need Dapper, and suppose I can do without aptitude (apt-get seems to work), but I'd rather not.


4 Replies

so id venture a guess that tls is an issue.. are u running a 2.6.x kernel? if so make sure u move /lib/tls to something else such as /lib/tls-disabled



I would suggest making sure /lib/tls doesn't exist first. Aptitude does make use of the TLS libraries so it will segfault with the kernel you are currently booting with if /lib/tls exists.

I've had a similiar problem on occasion with apt and fixed it with: rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin The binary caches will get recreated when running apt again. You mention apt still working though so I'm not very optimistic this would solve your problem.

You might try removing then reinstalling aptitude:

apt-get remove --purge aptitude
apt-get install aptitude


so id venture a guess that tls is an issue.. are u running a 2.6.x kernel? if so make sure u move /lib/tls to something else such as /lib/tls-disabled
Yes, I'm running a 2.6 kernel, and your suggestion fixed the problem. Thanks for your speedy reply!

Interestingly, /lib/tls-disabled already existed (so I moved /lib/tls to /lib/tls-disabled2). I guess this had been fixed in the Breezy image and then the Dapper upgrade repopulated /lib/tls.


everytime glibc6 or something simular updates, ull have a tls folder recreated, something to keep an eye out for


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