Related to Object Storage Bucket

The document says that object storage is charged at a flat rate of 5$ for up to 250gb.
I am confused about buckets.
If I create 10 buckets, does it mean that I will be charged 50$(5$ x 10)(5$ per bucket)?

object storage has a limit of 750 requests per second. Can I increase this number by creating multiple buckets and divide data between them?

1 Reply

For #1, no. It’s a flat $5/mo regardless of the number of buckets (although I believe there is a soft limit of 100 or 1000 buckets per cluster, but a chat with support may be able to lift this.)

Your 250GB is spread across all buckets.

Not sure on #2, I wasn’t aware there was a fixed limit on number of requests, although it does make sense there would be one.


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