Get ipv6 addresses on my Kubernetes cluster pods?

I've been trying out the new Linode Kubernetes Engine. It's pretty neat, but I don't want to be stuck in IPv4 land and have to set up load balancers and bizarre nodeport forwarding for everything.

All of my linode machines have an IPv6 address by default, and I've asked support to route a big block to one of them.

How can I configure the Kubernetes cluster to pass out IPv6 addresses from that block to the pods?

2 Replies

Assigning the IPv6 along with the IPv4 would require a dual-stack configuration, and right now that isn't supported by LKE. It's something we're looking into, but at this time we don't have an ETA on when it would become available.

I recommend following our blog for updates on what we're offering and supporting:

@rgerke I was wondering if there are any changes regarding IPv6 addresses for pods?


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