Setting up hostname

Is there any thing I should be aware of in setting up a fully qualified domain name with linode? Anything other than modifying etc/hosts and etc/HOSTNAME? (I have Slackware 10). I need to register a hostname with a registrar, and my intention is to setup sendmail and more. (I know Postfix is better, but I'm starting out with packages already defined on I've installed the sendmail package but I have not started the services yet. I also only allow the SSH through with host.allow right now.

6 Replies

I dont know about better perhaps easier(initially anyway) but once you get used to sendmail it runs very well I always compile sendmail from source than use slackwares default package however.

edit /etc/hosts (where = your ip) localhost localhost.localdomain hostname.domain.tld

and in /etc/hostname


If you are going to have your own domain, you need to register it with a registrar and also host a DNS server somewhere. It need not be on your Linode, but it'll need to have a record in it idenfitying your linode's name.


If you are going to have your own domain, you need to register it with a registrar and also host a DNS server somewhere. It need not be on your Linode, but it'll need to have a record in it idenfitying your linode's name.

For a free DNS host I'm trying out EveryDNS. They seem to be pretty decent so far and the best thing is that they're free (but they do accept donations.)

Super-basic question. Is the IP address of my Linode static and will never change? I hope the answer is yes.

In Members area on Remote Access tab it states that "Our DHCP server will always configure your Linode's eth0 (and only eth0) with the first IP in the list above."

Wonderful, but will the "first IP" address ever change? (Hoping the answer is no.) If it does change periodically, I suppose I'll need one of those dynamic DNS update software that discovers the new IP address from DHCP and updates the DNS with it.

IPs only change if you move your Linode between data centres.


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