I need to download my website from Linode to my computer

Hello and thank you for any help.
I need to download my website from Linode to my computer and I'd like to stop paying the server.
I am not able to do that.
I am allowed to clone, migrate but not to download.
The website is already offline, I don't own the domain anymore www.weflymate.com so it is just matter of saving the website just in case.
Moreover, I have another project that is on a shared server [ https://www.revenue.land ] and I was wondering if it will run faster on linode.
In that case I'd buy a different hosting space on Linode, I will discontinue this one anyway.
My TTFB on the shared server is never below 500ms

1 Reply

Hey there -

If you have Backups enabled, you can download a copy of them to your local machine by following this guide:

Download Backups Locally

Moreover, I have another project that is on a shared server [ https://www.revenue.land ] and I was wondering if it will run faster on linode.

There are a lot of factors that can determine speed, but you can check out our pricing page for the In/Out speeds that are associated with each Linode size. You'll see that the Network Out for our smallest Linode (the Nanode) gives you up to 1000 Mbps.


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