How can I create a user account in Fedora 33?

I'm very frustrated here. I have been following instructions on "creating a linode" and keep getting stuck on the creating a user account after having established a root user. If I cut and paste a command found for fedora it seems to get no where. the command is ssh (my created name)@myip address .

After I input my password I get a return that repeats my created user name such as XXXX_user@XXX.XXX.XXX.XX's password: and then I keep going around in circles!
If I try to create it again all over it just tells me that it already exists! Please help! and how now do I remove all the other user accounts I created trying to create one that may work! Its made me create a mess of different user accounts now that I can't access!

7 Replies

@Oscar770 writes:

If I cut and paste a command found for fedora it seems to get no where.

It would be helpful if you posted the command you're using. From your description it's impossible to tell what that is.

The command for adding a user is useradd(8):

You also write:

Please help! and how now do I remove all the other user accounts I created trying to create one that may work!

The command to delete a user is userdel(8) (see a pattern here?):

-- sw

Thanks, not sure I see the pattern. What does (8) mean? The command I'm using, (i thought I showed in my original post) is useradd example_user && passwd example_user as located /securing-your-server/.


Also, how do I look for all the users I created that I created trying to figure out this mess?

@Oscar770 writes:

The command I'm using, (i thought I showed in my original post) is useradd example_user && passwd example_user

The correct form is: useradd example_user -p <insert password here> or as two commands (shown here as if you are logged in as root…indicated by the # shell prompt):

# useradd example_user
# passwd example_user
New password:  <enter un-echoed password here>
Retype new password: <enter the same un-echoed password here>
passwd: password updated successfully

IMHO, the form you posted is typically used in shell scripts…not for interactive use…or maybe you weren't running your script as the superuser…hard to tell…

You also write:

What does (8) mean?

(8) refers to the section of man(1) where you will find the man(1) page for useradd(8), userdel(8) etc…as in:

man 8 useradd

It's an old-school Unix notation for referring to commands. It's used to differentiate between two man(1) pages with the same name…as in:

  • man crontab or man 1 crontab
    for the man(1) page for the program called crontab(1) and
  • man 5 crontab
    for the man(1) page explaining the format of configuration files for the program called crontab(1).

Section 1 is for ordinary user commands: ls(1), cat(1) etc. Section 5 is for configuration files: hosts(5), crontab(5), etc. Section 8 is for system administration commands (typically restricted to the superuser): useradd(8), mount(8), umount(8), etc.

You can find out what each section of man(1) is for by entering:

man <section> intro

where <section> is a number in the range 1..8. Sometimes specialized apps will install man(1) sections of their own (in /usr/share/man and /usr/local/share/man on Linux). For example, if you install the tcl interpreter, you will most likely get man(1) Section n with man(1) pages for all tcl interpreter commands/functions (man n yaml).

You can set your own personal search path for man(1) pages by setting up the environment variable MANPATH. It works similar to PATH but for man(1) pages. Using MANPATH will allow you to have your own personal man(1) pages that no one else can see (the default MANPATH is /usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man…you can change everything about man(1) by modifying /etc/manpath.config).

man(1) pages must be written in a special format described here:

You also write:

Also, how do I look for all the users I created that I created trying to figure out this mess?



Deleting users is inherently dangerous. You shouldn't delete ANY USER you don't recognize (mail, systemd-coredump, etc.). You should back up your system with a snapshot before doing this just in case you mess something up!

-- sw

Ok, So I finally got the guts to try this again, after being informed that my commands need to begin with DNF instead of apt bc I'm using fedora. So heres what I did today, I updated and upgraded with the dnf command and it appears to have taken. Here is my output:

kernel-5.9.12-200.fc33.x86_64 kernel-core-5.9.12-200.fc33.x86_64

Last metadata expiration check: 1:33:41 ago on Wed 09 Dec 2020 02:27:55 PM UTC.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[root@li216-11 ~]# dnf neovim
No such command: neovim. Please use /usr/bin/dnf --help
It could be a DNF plugin command, try: "dnf install 'dnf-command(neovim)'"
[root@li216-11 ~]# dnf install neovim
Last metadata expiration check: 1:35:29 ago on Wed 09 Dec 2020 02:27:55 PM UTC.
Package neovim-0.4.4-3.fc33.x86_64 is already installed.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
[root@li216-11 ~]# useradd myname -p xxxxxxx
[root@li216-11 ~]#
……QUESTION! The very last line, does this mean I now am entered as the user account and not root? If so, am I now ready to install open VPN? and from now on, how exactly do I differentiate logging in as either a user or root? which command is one or the other?

jumping the gun a bit just to see what happens, I tried installing openvpn and couldn't. Heres what I got;
[root@li216-11 ~]# dnf install
Last metadata expiration check: 2:04:14 ago on Wed 09 Dec 2020 02:27:55 PM UTC.
No match for argument:
Error: Unable to find a match:
[root@li216-11 ~]#

Please Help! Thanks!
I was trying to follow this tutorial and am stuck at "install wget" but my output says its already installed…for reference thanks….

If wget(1) is already installed, go to the next step. It may be a built-in part of whatever version of Fedora you use…or could have been installed because it was required by something else you installed.

-- sw


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