Tarraform and vlan

I am trying to do a bit of experimentation with vlan to see if it will answer our needs. I set up a terraform script like the example in the documentation including setting the api_version to v4beta. When it tries to build the vlan I get a 404 error. I am using the 1.13.4 terraform provider.
Is there something special I need to do to experiment with the beta?

2 Replies

Hi @spidercom-tom

I see that Terraform does have documentation available for the VLAN service, which I'm assuming is the documentation you're referencing.

At this time, the public beta for our VLAN service is not live. This may be the reason why you're receiving 404 errors when trying to deploy this service when using Terraform.

You can get notified of when VLAN becomes publicly available and register for the beta, if you haven't already, through the VLAN product page.

I hope this information helps!

@mcivitarese yes that was the documentation I was refering to and yes you answered the question.


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