2 Linodes dont comunicate

So i got 2 linodes one with a website and mysql and phpmyadmin
and on the other one i have a CSGO server with sourcebans and i try to have the server to send information to the database that is on linode 1
and the error i get "is Connecting to database failed: [1045]: Access denied for user 'sourcebanuser'@'-*.members.linode.com' (using password: YES)"

i have tried with a private ip and even root user for mysql.
but the root user only have access on localhost but for the sourcebanuser have both local and outside.
I have tried with the Bind_ipaddress changed it to the private ip/ public ip and even blanked it out with #. Nothing works.
Now im at a point where i dont know what to do.

1 Reply

The good news is this message is produced by mysql. This means that you are able to connect(so no networking issues). You see this message because mysql's grant mechanism not only makes sure you are who you say you are(username/password) but that you are connecting from an authorized machine.

How you provision grants is specific to your security scenario. Make sure you are familiar with mysql's recommendations on hardening your process discussed here but you'll need to run something that looks like this from your query tool or the mysql CLI…

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON [database_name].* TO '[username]'@'[host/IP you want to connect from]';

Please take note of ALL PRIVILEGES as this is exactly what it means. So if someone got a hold your username/password they can do anything including dropping tables and deleting data. If you want to make this less open you can refer to an exhaustive list of privleges here


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