Backing up my Disk Image, to another Linode Disk Image?

is this possible? i just apt-get remove'd something and destroyed my server setup lol. Now i've decided i want some basic backup in place. is this doable?


3 Replies

ohh. i can 'duplicate disk image' in the memebers area of my linode account site… ah

… except that it uses up part of your disk quota. There isn't a way to access a raw disk image for downloading, if that is what you mean.

I personally run a Bacula server on my home machine and do nightly incremental backups of my Linode, with monthly Full backups.


… except that it uses up part of your disk quota. There isn't a way to access a raw disk image for downloading, if that is what you mean.
There is if you boot up Finnix, and use the tools there for copying a full disk image, but it will require server downtime.


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