Solely subdomain assignment to a Linode IP

Hi Community,

I have my domain name hosted at a local company. I wish to point only a subdomain to my Linode. Would that be possible?

Have a healthy Sunday, Oz.

3 Replies

I think the people you have to pose this question to is the company that hosts your domain.

I don't see why not but the DNS record(s) defining the subdomain would need to be configured at the same registrar as your domain name…not in the Linode DNS Manager.

If the subdomain is just for easy access to your Linode from a few systems where you have admin privileges, you can just add the subdomain to the /etc/hosts file on each system requiring access. /etc/hosts is a simple text file where each record is an IP address and a list of domain names all separated by whitespace: sub

This entry would resolve the domains sub and to the IP address It works for IPv6 too:


/etc/hosts only applies to the system where /etc/hosts lives. You have to be the super-user to edit it.

-- sw

Thank you, this was very comprehensive. I decided to buy a new domain name, having seen your answer, workarounds sound a bit itchy.

You write:

Thank you, this was very comprehensive. I decided to buy a new domain name, having seen your answer, workarounds sound a bit itchy.

I assumed you had another (non-Linode) system you were using that was known by your domain name. If that's not the case, you can do what you want in the Linode DNS Manager. It's pretty easy.

-- sw


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