Network transfer monitoring

I am trying to better understand the numbers related to monitoring network outbound transfers.

My account is "basic" and provides for 1 terabyte total outbound, and 1000 mbps maximum bandwidth.

I also have a default warning set if 10 mbps is exceeded over the course of a 2-hour period.

Now, if I have a service that transfers 1MB per client request, and a web client only makes at most 10 requests per minute (one per 6 seconds), then everything is fine. That comes to a rate of 1 mb per 6 seconds, or 1/6 mbps, yes?

However, I would likely receive a warning if the client were able to make 10 requests per second, or in an alternate scenario, 10 clients making 1 request per second.

Am I getting this right?

Also, what does the warning consist of? Is it an email sent to my user account?

I may be confirming the obvious here, but working through things the first time with computer systems is fraught with unexpected unknowns, and a confirmation would be very reassuring.


2 Replies

Hi @philfrei - That's right, if you have 10 customers each using 1Mbps continuously for 2 hours you'll receive an alert. If it's only 10 customer using 1Mbps each over a minute, then you wouldn't receive the alert. However, if it's a very large spike of traffic only for a few minutes, but it's enough to average out to more than 10Mbps when divided by 2 hours worth of seconds then you'll also receive an alert.

The alert is a simple email sent to the email address on file for your user account. If you haven't seen it yet, you can change the settings for email alerts in the cloud manager.


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