How to configure Let's Encrypt Manually?

I use Certbot to install Let's Encrypt certificate. Yet, the is NOT secure and seemed that the certificate it load is that for

I use the following command to get the certificate:

certbot certonly --rsa-key-size 2048 --standalone --agree-tos --no-eff-email --email -d

certbot certonly --rsa-key-size 2048 --standalone --agree-tos --no-eff-email --email -d

Both commands successfully generated the "renewal" of certificate. The problem is that the first one did not work.

I don't know where to start. How can I make this right?

2 Replies

Instead of setting up a separate cert for each subdomain, I recommend using LetsEncrypt to set up a wildcard cert. This approach creates a valid cert for *, where any subdomain you set up for your domain is covered. Wildcard certs aren't as straightforward, though it will allow you to do this once instead of for each subdomain.

Another user covered this in the following Community Site post:

Using Certbot with Linode-DNS for a Wildcard Certificate

I agree with @watrick - having a wildcard is flexible as you can use the cert for any number of subdomains you need either now or in the future.

However I personally prefer over Certbot. It’s a pure shell script so has no library or packaging dependencies and supports Linode’s DNS out of the box (and plenty other providers!)

I contributed a guide on using with Let’s Encrypt and Linode’s DNS.

New installs of now use ZeroSSL by default, which don’t offer free wildcard certs. Just add “--server letsencrypt” to the commands in the article to use Let’s Encrypt instead.


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