subversion problem. can update, but not commit. but...

I'm having a weird subversion problem on my linode.

I can update my working copy, but not commit it, it just hangs. However, I can commit the same working copy from another computer, where I checked out the same working copy.

snip of hanging for 43 seconds (it'll hang for minutes, I just got impatient):

Xsvn: Commit failed (details follow):

svn: Caught signal

svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:

svn: '/home/thartman/learning/haskell/mainArena/svn-commit.2.tmp'

real 0m43.883s

user 0m0.120s

sys 0m0.010s

thartman@linodewhyou:~/learning/haskell$ svn update

At revision 1431.


It's been working fine for months, then just went wonky.

Anyone ever seen anything like this?


2 Replies

Where is the subversion repository stored? How do you access it - http, https, svn, locally? What version of subversion is on the client and server computers? What backend is the subversion server using?


first off, after misbehaving for about two hours, it works again now.

but to answer your question, I would check out a repo with eg,

svn co

Info for the specific path in my above question:

thartman@linodewhyou:~/learning/haskell$ svn info

Path: .

URL: … ng/haskell">

Repository Root:

Repository UUID: c24f5f53-90ff-0310-a60f-c48326346aa9

Revision: 1431

Node Kind: directory

Schedule: normal

Last Changed Author: tphyahoo

Last Changed Rev: 1356

Last Changed Date: 2007-02-02 13:26:50 -0500 (Fri, 02 Feb 2007)

Guess I'll just chalk it up to gremlins.

best, t.


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