I am not showing to have the 100$ promo credit. Can this be fixed?

I am not seeing the 100$ credit for signing up. To be honest I did create this account with the promo almost 1 month ago(after watching youtube). I am now ready to use Linode but did not see the 100$ credit still after logging back in today, I learned of Linode and the promo from a "tech youtube" and I clicked his link to make the account. If it is because I created the account and did not use it for a month, then I understand this is my fault. I am just wondering if it's possible to still receive the promo? If not I understand


4 Replies

@soloash We'd be happy to take a look. Feel free to open a Support ticket via Cloud Manager.

Thank you I appreciate your help and the link.
sorry for the late reply. I get very busy sometimes,


I am using $100 credit how can I know how much credit is still remaining?

Hi @aditodkar,

I am using $100 credit how can I know how much credit is still remaining?

Please refer to this guide.

Essentially if you go to the Account section in Manager, it should show up on the “Billing Info” tab.


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