Newly Setup Linode: Can't Connect to IP Address, Freezes on SSH Connection When Prompted for Password

I set up a Linode, I CAN successfully connect to the Linode through FileZilla, but I CANNOT connect to the IP address through the browser and I cannot connect to the ssh through the terminal because it freezes at password prompt.

I just want to connect so I can see that it works. Then I want to configure a folder structure into the mix - but first things first…

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5 Replies

I cannot connect to the ssh through the terminal because it freezes at password prompt.

What do you mean by “freezing at the password prompt”?

SSH clients don’t show the password you’re typing - just type away, hit enter and you should be good to go.

but I CANNOT connect to the IP address through the browser

You need to install a web server - Apache or nginx are good starting points. A clean install of a Linode won’t give you any software by default.

There are various web server-related guides, including getting started guides, here:

Yes! It is not freezing. It is simply not displaying my password.

Thank you!

Passwords are usually never displayed. Just type it in and press Enter.

You can cut and paste by right clicking in shell. AGAIN you will not see the password.


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