✓ Solved

How stable is a linode assigned IP.

Now that I have a linode instance up and running, and have an assigned IP, how stable is that IP? If I have a crash, I assume I'll lose the IP. Is there any way to lock in an a linode assigned IP so it will be stable for the future? Or, is there another way to deal with wanting an IP that will not change? Thank you.

2 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Your IP addresses (v4 & v6) belong to your Linode. If your Linode crashes/reboots, you will get the same IP addresses. They don't change until

  • the Linode goes away; or
  • you swap them with another Linode.

-- sw

IP only change if you fo it.

Created: 2016-01-29 08:02 still use same IP.


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