Possible to attach Block Storage to a different mount point?


I want to add Block Storage to my server. The examples seem to show mount points in the /mnt directory. However I need my Block Storage to be mounted to /home2. I'm not sure if it is possible to do this or whether the mount points have to be in /mnt.

Would the following work?

mkdir /home2
mount FILE_SYSTEM_PATH /home2
/etc/fstab file - FILE_SYSTEM_PATH /home2 ext4 defaults 0 2

Just thought I'd ask before I screw things up!


1 Reply

@linux55 --

I'm not sure if it is possible to do this or whether the mount points have to be in /mnt.

They can be anywhere you want them…as long as you have privilege to mount them. I have mine at /var/backup.

-- sw


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