Already have a hacked network

I have been hacked for 3 yrs. Whoever is doing it is using a variety of tools and methods including Windows Shell, Azure, Microsoft Management Console, credentials are hacked, my BIOS has been reconfigured, set up using JavaScript, and auth tokens, as well as extended privileges in every “ROOT” Cetificate of Authenticity which are all fraudulent. Some things I can uninstall and prevent now but others I cannot like uninstalling anything from the “Runtime” services and processes that are actually running the OS (which is Windows_NT from 2006). My question is will this server be able to override his remote server even though he controls and reroutes everything through my IP address and LAN?

2 Replies

Either you are so incredibly misinformed that you actually believe that any of what you're describing is actually happening (or possible), or you are a troll.

Either you are so incredibly misinformed that you actually believe that any of what you're describing is actually happening (or possible), or you are a troll.

The OP is word salad with Windoze dressing… That should tell you all you need to know.

There are some people here who run Windoze server on a Linode. It's not forbidden but not supported.

-- sw


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