How to deploy a Node.js application using GitHub Actions and SFTP?

I am trying to deploy a Node.js application to my linode using GitHub actions and the SFTP protocol.

I have added an additional job to my GitHub Actions workflow YML file as follows:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: SFTP Deploy to Linode
uses: wlixcc/SFTP-Deploy-Action@v1.2.1
username: ${{ secrets.LINODE_USER }}
server: ${{secrets.IP}}
port: 22
ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.LINODE_SSH }}
local_path: ./* # using default path
remote_path: /home/quoterepo
# name of app is quoterepo
args: '-o ConnectTimeout=5'

However, when I push my latest code to my remote repository I receive the following error:

ssh: Could not resolve hostname : Name does not resolve
ssh start

Any ideas as to what is causing the problem?


1 Reply

My guess (because I don't have a clue about what you're doing) is that the process is trying to do domain-name resolution on an IP address and failing (maybe because of a bug). Try replacing server: ${{secrets.IP}} with server: ${{secrets.DOMAIN_NAME}}.

Also, I would hope that ssh_private_key: ${{ secrets.LINODE_SSH }} is a filename…and not your actual SSH private key! It would give me much pause to supply the text of my private key to some other entity in a configuration file. Private means private

-- sw


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