$100 credit?

When I signup, it was showing in the web page that I will receive $100 credit but after login to my account I don't see any credit in my account. When $100 will be credited to my account?

3 Replies

If you have the code for the promo, you can add it yourself in the Cloud Manager. Otherwise, this is something that a member of Support will need to assist you in completing.

When you open the ticket, we'd appreciate it if you could also provide the following information. This will help us in understanding why the promo didn't get applied to your signup as expected. Hopefully, we can prevent this from happening to other new accounts.

  • Steps taken before signup; how did you find and apply the promo code?
  • Name of the promo code, preferably with a link to the specific promo.
  • If a link was used during signup we need the full URL of the signup link.

Hi Watrick,

How are you?

any possiblility to get the $100 voucher before 90 days.

As a biginner, i am checking for a test trial in the Linode.

Thank you.

Hey @saeedmadayithodi - the instructions I provided above are still valid. I'd recommend opening a ticket with Support or adding the promo code yourself.


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