Spigot Minecraft server

I am looking to create a spigot Minecraft server I have been following this [https://www.linode.com/docs/guides/minecraft-with-spigot-ubuntu/] guide for it, but I don't know if this is outdated or what. So I was trying it and it all seemed to work fine until I got to this

mv ../build/spigot-1.*.jar spigot.jar

When I try to run it, it says, "no such directory spigot.jar" but when I try to create a directory "spigot.jar" it says that the file already exists.

I am doing this through puTTy if it makes a difference

1 Reply

I believe that the guide you referenced is using a * in place of the actual version output from building the Spigot .jar.

If you run ls in the build directory, you should find the actual name of the file. Once you have that, replace spigot-1.*.jar in the mv command with the actual filename of the .jar that exists in the build directory.

You should be all good to continue from there.


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