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why i can not connect to IRC chat platform?

Hello i am trying to connect IRC chat platform but it doesnt accept the thing that wrote. When i write something it is saying like "Can't use this command in this window" what should i do? Buy the way today my ip address has changed. I dont know the reason but i am using free vpn. Maybe it is the reason.

22 Replies

✓ Best Answer

Happy to hear that you chose Linode because you could join our IRC chat.

I'm confident that the problem you're having is somewhere local to your computer — if you were banned from the OFTC server you would not be able to receive the "Can't use this command in this window" error, and it is impossible that you were banned from #linode because I can see myself.

I'm not sure what you meant by "nothing has happened." in response to me asking you to use a different browser or incognito, but perhaps it is time for you to install an IRC client to connect to OFTC.

You mentioned that you're using PowerShell to connect to SSH, which means you're using Windows. In that case I recommend mIRC - https://www.mirc.com/.

The "server" you want to connect to is irc.oftc.net and the channel is #linode.

Edit: This mIRC documentation may be helpful: https://www.mirc.com/help/html/index.html?connect_to_a_server.html

It sounds like you may be trying to chat in the server console. How are you trying to connect?

If you try again and type /join #linode into the box you were using, it's likely you'll end up in our IRC channel.

which box should i write it? https://webchat.oftc.net/?channels=linode i am using this link to login

@_Brian still can not connect to ırc.

In the same text box where you typed and it said "Can't use this command in this window" - type /join #linode

Also check the top of the screen in your browser — you should see "Status" and "#linode" — click #linode.

@_Brian at the top of the screen there is just status. and those stupid things:

[21:48] qwebirc v0.92
[21:48] Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.
[21:48] http://www.qwebirc.org
[21:48] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.

i think linode banned me as i asked too much questions.

/join #linode and i wrote this to the box but nothing has happened.

@_Brian soryy i am correcting. At the top "Connection details" writing not status. And those:

[21:48] qwebirc v0.92
[21:48] Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Chris Porter and the qwebirc project.
[21:48] http://www.qwebirc.org
[21:48] Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 2.

After typing /join #linode you should see a #linode box next to Status at the top of the page.

I'm sure nobody banned you.

@_Brian before clicking "connect", "Connection details" is writing at the top. After clicking connect just status is writing. But not #linode.

It is supposed to say "Connection details" at the top before you connect.

Enter a username into the "Nickname:" box and leave "#linode" in the channel box, then press Connect.

@_Brian i can send the screenshots if you want. i am writing the same things that i wrote before. i can send the screenshots to your mail.

"It is supposed to say "Connection details" at the top before you connect.

Enter a username into the "Nickname:" box and leave "#linode" in the channel box, then press Connect." of course i am doing exactly the same things.

"kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset" now in my powershell i saw this.

let me send the screenshots to your mail.

so what should i do now to connect IRC?

@_Brian How can we solve this problem? i am still waiting your solution.

@_Brian someone banned me i think.

Can you try again using a different browser, or with incognito mode?

@_Brian nothing has happened.

While i was choosing vps service i couldnt decide between dijital ocean and linode. Later i realised that you had better customer support. But now as you see i even can not connect IRC. The reason to chose linode was real time conversation with other people and finding answers to my questions. ı dont know i am very upset now.

I’m very confused as to why you’re using powershell to connect to irc.

i m not using powershell to connect ırc. it was just another problem but i managed to solve it. it was about firewall.

He could also Hexchat which is free and available for Windows. ;-)



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