My firewall is blocking my domain after LetsEncrypt

Hi After i set up ssl i can not open my web site if my firewall is enabled. When firewall is disabled, i can open it. Maybe before ssl firewall was blocking my domain too but i realized this problem after setting up ssl. My ufw status is . And i have 2 inbound policy for firewall.

Thank u

2 Replies

First of all, you don't need any of these rules:

80/udp                     ALLOW       Anywhere
443/udp                    ALLOW       Anywhere
80/udp (v6)                ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)
443/udp (v6)               ALLOW       Anywhere (v6)

Although, there is a port 80 for UDP, no web server that I'm aware of uses it. UDP is connectionless. http(s) is a connection-oriented protocol. Having them doesn't hurt anything but they are completely superfluous and could allow attacks using UDP port 80. Just remove them…

Are you sure that your firewall is the culprit and not a misconfigured SSL subsystem in your web server? There isn't anything in SSL and/or certbot/letsencrypt that would affect the firewall.

-- sw

Yeah Let’s Encrypt usually only needs port 80 open.

Edit: There’s a second post from you where you responded that you figured out the issue.

It’s recommended that you stick to one post instead of making multiple posts on the same issue.


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