What does "live migration" mean?

Got an email from Linode this morning saying:

ubuntu-xxxxx - (xxxxxxxxx) Live Migration - Tue, 08 Mar 2022 15:12:55 GMT
Linode uses live migrations to evacuate hosts for routine maintenance and to rebalance its fleet.

What does this mean in simple terms? Are they installing a new version of Ubuntu for me?

Migration to what? Evacuation from what? Rebalance the "fleet"?


3 Replies

A live migration typically means that your Linode has been transferred from one host to another host without any down time to you. That's how it's supposed to work, anyway. This article seems to explain it pretty well.

Just received mine - first time I get this kind of notification in all these years with linode.

I understand the reason to do so, but pretty scary nonetheless…

Any chance we can be notified beforehand?

I want to know what does live migration mean and I am so happy I found my answer here. When I was searching for it on google search, I also found liteblue guide on a website and now I don't have to waste my time on searching for that guide on google search.


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