Linode host and service features

I have a 7 Xen machine setup in HK, large because its a quarter rack hosting with plenty of available resources, and looking to move to a distributed VPS configuration with faster access in US. Can I ask some questions about the service:

* We're been averaging 15GB/mo bandwidth for a few years, the service burst speed is capped at 1.5mb/s local and ~400kb/s international which is quite limiting, how does Linode's US and international performance compare. We have PDF catalogues from 12MB & 62MB which are almost impossible to download.

  • We use a combination of three different VPNs to link up various sites, PPTP for road warriors, OpenVPN for dynamic IP sites and IPSEC for static IP sites, does the kernel in a Linode support all these access methods?

  • In order to improve our mail rating we implement DomainKeys and SPF, does the Linode DNS service support TXT records?


4 Replies

> We're been averaging 15GB/mo bandwidth for a few years, the service burst speed is capped at 1.5mb/s local and ~400kb/s international which is quite limiting, how does Linode's US and international performance compare. We have PDF catalogues from 12MB & 62MB which are almost impossible to download.

You can reference this thread - feel free to perform your own tests:

> We use a combination of three different VPNs to link up various sites, PPTP for road warriors, OpenVPN for dynamic IP sites and IPSEC for static IP sites, does the kernel in a Linode support all these access methods?

Latest kernel available:

> In order to improve our mail rating we implement DomainKeys and SPF, does the Linode DNS service support TXT records?

Yes, TXT records are supported.

Just a comment from a very satisfied linode customer - your setup it seems VERY odd.

  • you use 1/4 of an entire rack, say 8RU or more, which would be very expensive. But 15GB bandwidth is next to nothing, I push out more than that in just one of my cgi hobby site.

  • Linode offers MANY kernel configs, because it runs many linux distros. Pick your favourite.

  • You dont have to use linode DNS, your can run your own DNS server as I do

  • If a cheap linode account will serve your purposes (as I think it would very well, because 15GB is not much), how on earth did you arrive at your current expensive slow setup?


Just a comment from a very satisfied linode customer - your setup it seems VERY odd.

That'll be Hong Kong, the entire data centre's internet pipe is about 2gb/s, HKIX somehow manages to push 30gb/s aggregate. Everything is more expensive, slower, and the IT administration knowledge is very limited.

Its more bizarre when you consider a popular ISP offers 100mb and 1000mb residential lines, and we have an area called CyberPort with 150mb connectivity.

Thanks for the links, the download from Dallas saturated our SDSL link and so is already faster than the local high speed hosting :D

Okie dokie, signed up, the registration form has a common problem though, Hong Kong doesn't have zip or postcodes.



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