beef server not working maybe?

I'm new to this whole thing and was looking in my beef server for the endpoint link so I can actually use beef. So I did the command cat /root/ but it just says there is no such directory. Any advice?

1 Reply

Hey there,

You're totally correct to run that cat /root/ command. It's likely that if this command fails to run, BeEF is still installing on your Linode. Sometimes this installation can get 'hung-up' while waiting for the SSL certificate to propagate.

I just deployed the BeEF One-Click Marketplace App on a lower-tier Linode (Shared Linode 2GB) and it took just under 30 minutes start to finish.

If you're still having issues with this, please feel free to open a support ticket and our Support Team can ensure everything is operating nominally from an infrastructure perspective.

Linode Support Team


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