Gateway4/Gateway 6 are Deprecated - How Do I Configure a /64 IPv6 Range

Linode Staff

I am configuring a /64 IPv6 range for my Ubuntu 22.04 Linode using this guide:

However, when using the sudo netplan apply command, I got this error:

** (generate:892): WARNING **: 09:17:45.901: `gateway4` has been deprecated, use default routes instead.
See the 'Default routes' section of the documentation for more details.

** (generate:892): WARNING **: 09:17:45.901: `gateway6` has been deprecated, use default routes instead.
See the 'Default routes' section of the documentation for more details.

What do I do now that gateway4 and gateway6 are deprecated?

1 Reply

First, you will want to make sure that net.ipv6.conf.eth0.autoconf is set to 1 as noted in this guide:

To resolve your gateway error, you will need to replace this section:

      gateway4:                      # Primary IPv4 gateway.
      gateway6: "fe80::1"                         # Primary IPv6 gateway.

with this:

        - to: default
        - to: default
          via: "fe80::1"

To complete your /64 IP setup, you will also want to remove your original IPv6 address from your list of addresses and then add your /64 IPv6 addresses like so:

      dhcp4: no
      dhcp6: no
        -                         # Your Linode's public IPv4 address.
        # 3 example static IPs from your /64 range:
        - 2a01:5555:5555:5555::2/64
        - 2a01:5555:5555:5555::3/64
        - 2a01:5555:5555:5555::4/64

It's important to remember that you will still be able to interact with your SLAAC IPv6 address even though it is not listed in your netplan configuration.


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