cPanel for Ubuntu?

Linode Staff

I want to install cPanel/WHM on my Ubuntu instance. How can I do that?

1 Reply

The easiest way to get cPanel/WHM up and running on an Ubuntu instance is to deploy the cPanel Application through our Marketplace. Using the Cloud Manager, you can choose to deploy cPanel on an Ubuntu or CentOS image.

However, if you've already got a Ubuntu server running and you're looking to add cPanel, you will need to go a different route. It's important to note that cPanel requires Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to run properly so you will need to ensure your instance is running that version. If you're running an earlier version of Ubuntu, you can follow the instructions in this post titled How do I upgrade my existing Ubuntu installation? to upgrade to 20.04.

This command will install cPanel:

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

cPanel recommends installing the service within a Linux screen session. If you don't have screen installed, you can run this command to install the utility:

apt install screen

Once you have cPanel up and running, you will need to purchase a license since it is a subscription service.

If you run into any issues, you can always check out the cPanel forum to interact with the broader cPanel user community.


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