Not letting me log into my Linode Minecraft server


I just created a Minecraft Java Edition server using Linode and it was working perfectly fine, until I connected to the server using ftp to put the world from my first server into it.

It now shows "Can't connect to server" on the server list & "finishConnect(…) failed: Connection refused" when I try and log in.

It shows as running on the linode dashboard and i can still ftp and ssh into the server. Any help would be appreciated. Please keep in mind i am a beginner to this

1 Reply

Typcically, when deploying the one-click Minecraft app it would automatically start the server after the installation completes, but since you are unable to connect to the server, something may have gotten in the way of that process.

I have seen from other users the issue could be related to the firewall not being configured correctly. When deploying the server, port 25565 should be opened if the server is running. Unless changes were made to the default port for the Minecraft server listens on, you may need to launch the Lish Console to access your Linode and verify that the Minecraft server is running.

You can start the game server manually by using this command:

./mcserver start

If it isn't running, you can try starting the server with the following command:

systemctl start mcserver

With that being said I suggest doing a fresh install of your Minecraft server. Our manual install guide could be helpful to double check that everything was installed correctly.

Another suggestion is if you are still wanting to carry over your old world to the new server instead of using FTP, you can use SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol). SFTP provides an easier way to securely transfer, access, and manage your files by using a single port. For more information about SFTP here is a guide below:

Transfer Files with SFTP


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