Is Linode good for production in 2022?

There are a lot of threads and forums about Linode but they are 8 years and older. I am comparing Linode to DigitalOcean and others to best determine a good vps provider for web apps I build. The apps I build need about 8GB of ram with good CPU. I am in Houston and DigitalOcean seams fine but latency is an issue. Are previous security issues taken care of with Linode? Is there anyone that has lost data with Linode or with their block storage?

4 Replies

My problem with DO is that I fend off TONS of spam and intrusion attempts from IP addresses belonging to DO. This indicates to me that whatever rules they have are not enforced. I've found Linode to be very responsive in addressing both these issues when the origin is an IP address belonging to Linode.

Are previous security issues taken care of with Linode?

I've been a Linode customer since 2013. Granted, my requirements are not as "heavy duty" as yours probably are but I've found Linode to be very responsive wrt security issues. Of course, sometimes it causes downtime but not very much really…a few minutes over the course of 10 years.

Is there anyone that has lost data with Linode or with their block storage?

I haven't…at least none that I can attribute so some flaw in the Linode infrastructure. Whatever data I've lost can be solely attributed to my own stupidity. As I don't use Linux, Linode's backup system is not available to me. I use block storage for backups.

-- sw

I've been with Linode for years and I've been incredibly happy with the variety of offerings, reliability, and support when needed.

Starting off with their shared hosting, it was leaps ahead of where I came from. Now running a handful of dedicated servers, and now starting to use their managed db services, the feature-set is really top-notch and is scalable whether you need a tiny web host or powerful fault-tolerant clusters.

The few technical issues that I've experienced (whether caused by myself or Linode and their providers), have always been met with top-notch communication and support staff. A few years ago I accidentally started an upgrade on a production system midday, instead of a staging system. Though it was 100% my fault, I was on the phone with a real human within a minute who helped me understand options about cancelling the upgrade vs letting it run its course. I haven't run into many other companies that provide that level of support.

I expect I will be a Linode customer for a long time to come.

I haven't used linode yet, but I have used Azure, AWS And DigitalOcean, and i will say Azure and AWS are better when it comes to Windows hosting, while DO is best when it comes to Linux hosting.

One of the things which is tempting me to use Linode is that, it is much cheaper than AWS/Azure.

About Data loss in Linode, I don't think you need to worry here since Linode is trusted by millions of developers by now.

In terms of speed you can check some fastest hosting here

Hi there, I want to know whether Linode is good for production in 2022 and I am very much thankful to all of you for giving me the suggestions. I will surely keep those things in my mind. I was actually searching for website online because I need thesis writing help and when I was searching for it online, I also found your post link where I found my answer.


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